This painting depicts the benevolent Avalokiteśvara and how she hears all the worries and troubles in the mortal world. In order to rescue sentient beings from suffering and for them to attain joy, the bodhisattva is holding up the Dharmachakra mudra in her left hand and has a bottle in her right hand with purifying water that is being splashed onto the sea. Her gesture safeguards and protects all mortal beings.
Xia Jing Shan’s exquisitely fine brushwork is seen in this depiction of the benevolent Avalokiteśvara. The overall palette is gentle, soft, and harmonious, and also depicted is a lotus in the midst of fire, which symbolizes great awakening and enlightenment of the heart to see one’s own true virtue.
Xia Jing Shan
color on paper
題跋:稽首婆羅揭帝從聞思修入三摩地振海潮音 應人間世隨有希求必獲靈應 大慈大悲南無大聖觀世音菩薩 夏荊山敬作 印記:空雲水月、吉祥、夏氏、夏荊山印