A Buddha sitting calmly on a rock is seen on top of Avalokiteśvara’s head, and this symbolizes that the respect that Avalokiteśvara holds for the great teacher is constant and persistent and that the teaching of Buddhism should be practiced at all times. The Heart Sutra is intricately inscribed on the top, which makes the bodhisattva’s teaching quite self-evident. Auspicious clouds are seen lingering and drifting around, with red ink used to illustrate the lines on the clothing worn by Avalokiteśvara, which echoes gloriously with the Heart Sutra written with red ink.
This painting showcases Xia Jing Shan’s masterful ink work, and the soft and gentle image of the Avalokiteśvara depicted with red ink is juxtaposed with intense and hard ink patterns on the rocks. The square composition also highlights Avalokiteśvara’s benevolent and compassionate spirits.
Xia Jing Shan
color on silk
南無觀自在菩薩 般若波羅蜜多心經
觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多 時照見五蘊皆空度一切苦厄舍
利子色不異空空不異色色即是 空空即是色受想行識亦復如是
舍利子是諸法空相不生不滅不 垢不淨不增不減是故空中無色
無受想行識無眼耳鼻舌身意無 色聲香味觸法無眼界乃至無意
識界無無明亦無無明盡乃至無 老死亦無老死盡無苦集滅道無
智亦無得以無所得故菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故心無罣礙無
罣礙故無有恐怖遠離顛倒夢想 究竟涅槃三世諸佛依般若波羅
蜜多故得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多是大神咒是
大明咒是無上咒是無等等咒能 除一切苦真實不虛故說般若波
羅蜜多咒即說咒曰揭諦揭諦波 羅揭諦波羅僧揭諦菩提薩婆訶