This work of Avalokiteśvara was from Xia Jing Shan during his retreat. The face of Avalokiteśvara is full and clean, emanating solemn sereneness and compassion while sitting on bulrush. The paint strokes were smooth and flowing, the weave of the clothing drawn in freehand, while double hook technique is steadily applied using thin brushes, creating a patchy, organized chaos that does not disrupt the touch of the brushes in shaping the layers of bulrushes. Elegant, pale verdigris green and vermillion red colors the jeweled crown, and a large, round yellow halo is smudged around the head. The entire work seems to come out of single stroke, its element complementing and fuses with one another to create a scene of Avalokiteśvara’s light shining upon all, which is a portrayal of a Buddhist practitioner’s state of mind during his retreat. The essence of the inscription is taken from the phrases of the Avalokiteśvara-vikurvạna-nirdeśaḥ, which is a popular work of praise offered by worshippers.
Xia Jing Shan
ink and color on silk
題跋:真觀清淨觀廣大智慧觀悲觀及慈觀常願常瞻仰無垢清淨光 慧日破諸暗能伏災風火普明照世間 南無大慈大悲救苦救難廣大靈感觀世音菩薩
Showcased at “Xia Jing Shan Art Exhibition”,National Museum of China,2018.