The folds on Avalokiteśvara’s garment are illustrated by Xia Jing Shan with the use of string-like lines, along with intricately depicted magnificent embellishments and a Nirmāna-Buddha carved on the crown. Standing on a lotus, Avalokiteśvara appears light and ethereal, with harmonious light shining from the back and auspicious clouds drifting all around. A waft of light haze floats up from behind and majestically accentuates the Bodhisattva of Compassion’s imposing features. This painting is inscribed with words from Praise of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, an ancient verse from Mount Potalaka, Nanhai. The verse praises the wonder and wisdom of Avalokiteśvara. Descending into this mortal world of grief, Avalokiteśvara is a liberator of suffering, who responds to all and brings peace and serenity to all sentient beings.
Xia Jing Shan
colors on silk
題跋:觀世音菩薩妙難酬清淨莊嚴累劫修寶瓶甘露常徧洒苦海常作度人舟 時年七十有九於震南畫苑薰沐敬繪夏荊山