Skanda, a bodhisattva also known as The Heavenly Marshal of Golden Armor, was instructed by Gautama Buddha to guard the Dharma, which led to him traveling to Purva-Videha east, Apara-Godaniya in the west, Jambu-dvipa in the south, and Uttara-Kuru in the north. One of the sons alongside Gautama Buddha and Maitreya in Chakravarti’s a thousand sons, Skanda vowed to protect the faith and Dharma and safeguard the 999 brothers before him. After all of them had achieved Enlightenment and became Buddhas, Skanda finally achieved Buddhahood and was named Rucika. In this painting, Skanda wears a phoenix-wing helmet, dark cloud shoes, golden armor, and a vajra in his hand. Xia used ink washes and light color to depict Skanda’s majestic and handsome facial features, with gold speckles on the armor to project extraordinary essence and spirit.
Xia Jing Shan
ink and color on paper