Dressed in white, Avalokiteśvara is sitting by a cliff and appears undaunted by the ferocious crashing waves before her. Just like how she faces the upheavals and disorders in the world, she is posed and calm like a majestic mountain, which brings strength and stability to people.
This pristine Avalokiteśvara ink portrait painted by Xia Jing Shan is set against a natural landscape, with fluid lines used to illustrate her pure white garment. The creases and folds on the mountain rocks are interwoven with the rolling waves, with harmoniously exquisite brushwork and lyrical ink expressions showcased. The contrast of the serene mountain and rigorous sea waves conveys Avalokiteśvara’s omnipresence in an ingenious way.
Xia Jing Shan
ink on paper
題跋:靈山靜無語寂寂廖廖本自然 南無大慈大悲觀世音大菩薩 於京都靈峯山莊夏荊山敬寫 印記:色不異空空不異色、空云水月、吉祥、夏氏、夏荊山